Happy, Love

Spread the Love

Inspire Someone

Every day you have the opportunity to spread joy to others. This can come in several different fashions. One being so easy is to simply smile at someone. A smile can go a long way. Try it. Whether you are at a store, work or just driving. Send someone a smile and watch them light up and smile back. Even if you catch them off guard at first and they don’t smile back right away I will bet that it made them smile inside. I’ve seen people light up for several minutes after smiling to a stranger. That person in turn smiles at others and the cycle continues!

I am in the habit of making conversation with strangers. Last night we went to our local waterpark and struck up conversations with many. From the kid who didn’t want to be at work selling the ice cream to the lady riding slides so her kids wouldn’t think she was ‘uncool’. We smiled; they smiled. Joy was spread.

A few days ago I received an email from a friend on facebook. He said that the photos I share of my son fishing inspired him to take his sons fishing. He even sent me great photos of the awesome fish they caught. So simple really. I did nothing but share my experience but he was inspired. Then having him share his story with me inspired me yet again.

These are the cycles you want to start and get into establishing and fueling.

Keep the negative out as much as you can. Share the joy instead.


I hope today you smile at several strangers. Hold the door open for someone. Offer your help, without obligation, to someone else. Spread the joy. Spread the love. Be happy and share happiness!!!!

Copyright 2010 www.JoinHappiness.com unless otherwise noted 🙂

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