Do you believe there is a hidden meaning in the numbers 11 11? Do you notice the clock often showing 11:11? Are you excited about the 2011 New Year with the first day being 1.1.11?
I know many people who believe that 11 11 is connected with the spiritual world. Some say that the mere noticing of it connects us with the spirit world or brings us closer to our ultimate enlightenment. They believe that the more often you see it the more that is happening in a positive spiritual light.
Others think that 1111 is silly and just another number.
I say that anything that makes us take a second to even contemplate its meaning is worthwhile. Taking a step away from our busy and often hectic lives to ponder the meaning of 1 1 1 1 is almost as good for the person as taking a moment to pray or meditate. Maybe at that moment you are closer to God or Source or whatever it is that you relate to.
I believe that whatever you believe is what it is 🙂 So if you believe this to be a spiritual movement then it is. If you believe it to be nothing then it is.
All I know is that many people feel a great sense of excitement with this coming year. I feel it too. It honestly does feel different than new years in the past. I believe that there is change, positive change, happening all around us. In spite of some challenges we face we are also becoming more aware as a whole.
So if 1 1 1 1 means something to you then by all means allow it to! Embrace the strength or peace 11 11 brings into your heart and mind.
And now more than ever enjoy life, do good unto others and be the person with the traits and qualities you admire in others.
And Happy New Year to You! 1.1.11 🙂