Happy, Honesty, Present

Be who you are

Have you ever changed who you were based upon someone else? And I’m not talking about the extreme end of that. You know the ones that change their whole lives around for another person? I just mean did you go along with some way of living or way of believing or way of doing that wasn’t authentic to yourself? We all do this. Some of us do it for short spans of time. Like as children with parents who have their own ideas of who and what we should be. Or a teacher that insisted on sticking us into some sort of box that never quite felt true to our core being. How about the pastor who insisted what was right or wrong? We’ve all dated or even married someone and followed along with their ways of life just because it was easier to ‘keep the peace’. We have all watched something take place and haven’t stood up for our beliefs. We’ve allowed this to go on in our lives. But why? What good comes from living a fake life? It doesn’t. You were born to be a specific being and you can be that person you know you were meant to be. How can you live your true authentic life? Just do it. Ha, sounds easy right? Wouldn’t everyone be their true selves if it were so easy? Of course we know it isn’t easy. Even the most enlightened peopl,e on and beyond this current life, have had to work on it. So let’s discuss this further so we can all get on a better path, closer to our truth.

What Makes You Come Alive?
Is it helping others? Is it being in nature? Is it being alone? Is it singing? Is it writing? Is it being active?
Write down several of your favorite things to do. Also write down things you’ve always wanted to do but haven’t yet done for whatever reason. Write them down even if you have no idea how you will ever be able to do those things. Try to write at least 50 things. The things that truly make your heart soar!

What Does Your Ideal Day or Week Resemble?
Really think about this one. Write it out. Allow yourself to feel the feelings, see the vision, live that life. Add as many details as possible to make it more real to you.

How Can You Live That Life?
It might be that you are just going to stay true to who you are not make any drastic life changes. It might be that now you see a desire for a major shift in life. Perhaps a new career, a new location, traveling? Meeting new people, etc. Go with that. Be you. Explore. Learn. Live. Laugh. Love. Just Be.

What Is Holding You Back?
What are you afraid of? Work it out. Let it go. Find the positive. Go, do it!

So now, tell me, what will you be doing?

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