Be kind to yourself and others. I recently wrote an article focused on business situations about being kind to others. The article described some typical frustrating events and then explained a different way to look at them. We all make mistakes. And no one should be judgmental against others. Next time you are ready to react negatively to a person or situation try to step back and reply with kindness. It is not something that will always come easily. Sometimes you will really feel hurt, angry, sad or used and may not know how you will ever be able to respond with kindness. But with practice it will become easier and easier to do so.
I was just speaking with some friends the other day about romantic relationships and the viscous cycles we get stuck in. She didn’t do this so I’m not going to do that. Or he made me feel this way so I am going to do this! And negative creates negative and the frequencies are at an all time low and no one wants to do anything nice for the other first. Someone needs to step up and stop the cycle and watch how the relationship improves.
Keep this in mind for all business, family, romantic situations you encounter. And don’t forget to give yourself a break too and not be too harsh to yourself.
We are human. Imperfect. Fallible. Malleable. Loving.
Make it a great day ~ and BE KIND! Enjoy the quick video below!
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