2013, Happy, Love, Peace, Present

100% Responsibility through Ho’ Oponopono

100% Responsibility

So we’ve all heard this right? You should be taking 100% responsibility for your life and your actions and your follow through. Great advice, right? So many people have the tendency to blame others for what happens or doesn’t happen in their life. But honestly when we look at things objectively it all boils down to US. You are the one responsible for your life. When bad things happen it is up to YOU to handle. You might ignore it, you could address it, you could defer it, the list goes on and on.

I’ve always made an effort to be aware of this and try to remember that I am in control of myself and my actions.

But a couple of months ago while chatting with a friend of mine she mentions this Ho’oponopono stuff. I’m like, huh ~ what is that? So of course, me being a forever seeker of new information I look it up. I find a youtube video of Joe Vitale referring to this ‘method’. He went on to say that he used to think it was all about the Law of Attraction and manifesting/intending everything into your life, etc. Then he said but he was wrong and that after he met Dr Hew Len he realized that it is about maintaining your state at ZERO and cleaning on a daily basis.

So after watching that video I was more curious and so I went on to search for this Dr Hew Len from Hawaii. I find some interviews and at first I’m thinking he’s a little ‘wonky’ 🙂 But I keep an open mind and realize that he is on to something. His theory is that everything that comes into your life is your responsibility to clean. For instance, if a friend or family member comes to you with a problem you are to think about why they are coming to you and know that it is because of you; not them. WHAT? Yes, that is correct. There is something inside of you that has created this outside issue and it is YOUR responsibility to CLEAN it.

Whew, that is a lot to ponder over. It might take some time to think about it but please keep an open mind. I used to be so quick to simply ignore other people’s issues as I believe that it typically brings both people down vs bringing one or both UP. But after learning of this technique I have tried my best (it takes constant effort) to clean for these issues that arise. Yes, there are actions that go along with it as well but in the moment what you simply do is repeat the following 4 phrases of Ho’oponopono:


I love youI’m sorry
Please forgive me
Thank you


You say these in your own head for the most part but feel free to say them out loud as well. Don’t get caught up in thinking that you shouldn’t be sorry for someone else’s (perceivably to you) own problems. If it wasn’t your problem then it wouldn’t have been brought to you. So go ahead and apologize for it.

Try this out for at least 7 days. Keep your focus on the cleaning aspect of it all. Watch how issues dissolve and how much better you feel. I feel so much lighter actually making an effort to put attention to an issue vs simply ignoring it.

At my office we are discussing this and all team members are working on it to keep everything at a happy & peaceful state. Should leave us wide open for productivity and a prosperous outcome!



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