Challenges, Happy

Challenges We Face Allow Us To Become More

Challenges Make us Stronger

In life we often time face challenges. Challenges are what help to stretch us to grow and become more than we currently are.

If life were always simple and easy what would you really learn? You learn by stretching yourself. Challenge yourself. Challenges might be devastating or they may be smaller, even self-inflicted speed bumps through life.

There will always be someone with more than you. There were always be someone that seems like their life is better than yours. There will always be many more in even worse circumstances than you.

It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter about everyone else. It matters about YOU. You have the choice to do or be what you want. Don’t give up and don’t make excuses.

I’ve seen many friends go through major life struggles. I’m sure while they are in them they cannot see the light nor understand the bigger picture. But they realize it later. They learned, grew and were better because of it.

The video below tells the story of a young lady who believes her life is so bad and that her only way out is through a less than admirable job of stripping/prostituting. She apparently can see no other way out. Goes to show you two things really. The first being that at least she is doing something (albeit most would find morally wrong and well illegal too) and secondly she doesn’t realize that she could do/be so much more. She has somehow painted herself into some sort of reality to which she may not ever be able to escape.

You must keep in mind that you always have a choice. You can choose something else. You can change. You can expand and grow into more.

Many before you have been through worse challenges than your current one. Most highly *successful* individuals have overcome some major challenges in their life. Each challenge impacted them and were a part of the creation of what they are now.

Every decision you have made up until this moment has created your current life. Every decision hereafter will alter your future life as well.

Don’t be afraid to analyze your life and do something about it. You don’t have to be where you are doing what you do. You CAN be happy! Whatever happiness means to you. Everyone’s definition of happiness is unique to themselves.

That is no excuse…

What would you do?

“hold up….Get up on my feet and let go of every excuse
What would you do? if….
‘Cuz I wouldn’t want my baby, to go through what
I went through
What would you do? if….
Get up on my feet, stop making tired excuses
What would you do? if…
Girl I know if my mother can do it, baby you can do it”

~ City High, “What would you do?”

And then Sean tells us a story about the sacrifices one must make to have the success they desire. My title for this would be “How Bad Do You Want It?”

Unless otherwise noted Copyright 2010

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