Today the moon is full. Many people have their own opinions on the full moon and it means different things to different people. And to some people it means nothing.
To me the full moon is full of energy. It is a very intense time. You can find a lot of information on the full moon from books, online and directly from individuals. You should choose to experience it for yourself and draw your own conclusions.
I see the time up until the full moon a time for growth and expansion. I believe that this is the time period to achieve and have more of whatever it is that you want. I see the period after the full moon as a period for ridding yourself of unwanted things, situations, even people. A time for ‘cleansing’ you might say.
The actual full moon gives me a sense of great energy. I feel a strong power with it.
I just asked several of my friends what, if anything, the full moon means to them.
Here are some of the answers I’ve received.
Some say that the full moon brings out the ‘crazies’. They say that even a few days prior the full moon they notice people acting a bit crazy. Guess that is why we call them Lunatics?
There are reports that more accidents and deaths occur during full moons. That, I believe, can be altered by the data collected. It could also occur due to the power of our minds to believe such theories.
Many others believe that meditating during the full moon can bring a great sense of peace and understanding to one. It can also draw more of a connection to the rest of the world; besides humans. Meaning animals, plants, all that is living.
If you believe in magic, you may already know about the power of the moon. During a full moon and typically 3 days prior to and even 3 days thereafter you can achieve great power, prosperity, protection, growth & strength.
Do you believe in werewolves? What about the goddess Isis. Isis is a goddess with great power. She often shares rebirth, knowledge and renewal or new beginnings.
So step outside and enjoy the full moon tonight. Whether you feel anything more or less than everyone else it is still a pleasure to view. Enjoying beauty all around us helps us to be happier!